Educational Records

Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D.

Date Issued:

August 1, 2011

Last Update:

March 27, 2014


All policies and practices governing the collection, maintenance, review, and release of student education records are based on the principles of confidentiality and the student’s right to privacy, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. FERPA is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records and to establish the right of students to inspect, review, amend and restrict access to their education records.

Scope and Applicability:

All academic records

Standard Practice Guideline:

Access to a student’s academic records is limited to School Officials who have a need to perform an administrative duty or function. Students have the right to challenge the accuracy of their academic record.


OU’s Administrative Policy and Procedure No. 470 (Release of Student Educational Records -, as it is amended from time to time, applies to School of Medicine student records except as follows:

  • School of Medicine students who wish to opt out of directory information should submit a completed request for Nondisclosure Form of Directory Information to the Office of the Director of Records and Registration. This form is also available from the Director of Records and Registration and may be submitted at any time during the academic year. The student may rescind the request at any time by submitting a new Request for Nondisclosure of Directory Information Form to the Office of the Director of Records and Registration;
  • A School of Medicine student may request inspection of his or her Education Record by submitting a written, dated request to the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration. Examples of School of Medicine Education Records include grades, scores, narrative evaluations that were collected as part of a course, registration, attendance, disciplinary actions that were handled internally by the School of Medicine, and admissions records. When an inspection request is received, the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will make the Education Record available to the student within forty-five (45) calendar days. Upon reasonable request, the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will provide an explanation and interpretation of the Education Record;
  • A School of Medicine student who believes that information in his or her Education Record is inaccurate, misleading or violates his or her privacy rights may request the Education Record be amended by submitting a written, dated and signed request to the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration. The School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will initiate an investigation and make a written recommendation to the Associate Dean for Medical Education within thirty (30) calendar days. The Associate Dean will make a decision and notify the student within fourteen (14) calendar days. If the Associate Dean for Medical Education does not agree with the request, the student will be offered the opportunity to have a hearing on the matter, which the Student may accept by submitting a written request to the Associate Dean for Medical Education within thirty (30) calendar days. The student will be given reasonable notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. The Associate Dean for Medical Education will designate an individual outside of his reporting line as the Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer will conduct the hearing. The student will have the opportunity to present relevant evidence and may be assisted or represented at the hearing by an individual(s) of the student’s choosing, at the student’s expense, including an attorney. The student will be notified of the hearing officer’s decision within a reasonable period after the hearing. The decision will be in writing, based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and include a summary of the evidence and basis for the decision. If the decision is in favor of the student, the Education Record will be amended. If the decision is not in favor of the student, the hearing officer will inform the student of his or her right to place a statement in the Education Record commenting on the contested information or stating why s/he disagrees with the hearing officer’s decision. The statement will be maintained in the Education Record for as long as the contested information is maintained and disclosed whenever the contested information is disclosed; and
  • There are certain OU student records that are maintained by OU offices outside of the School of Medicine. Examples of these records are OU transcripts and financial services (financial aid and student employment records). The Associate Dean for Student Affairs is available to assist Students in identifying the appropriate office(s) to which their request should be made.
  • Students wishing to challenge an academic record should refer to the School of Medicine Grade Appeal procedure. 


Related Policies and Forms:

Oakland University Policy and Procedure No. 470 (Release of Student Educational Records ) 
School of Medicine Grade Appeal Procedure


Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D.

Date Issued:

August 1, 2011

Last Update:

March 27, 2014


All policies and practices governing the collection, maintenance, review, and release of student education records are based on the principles of confidentiality and the student’s right to privacy, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. FERPA is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records and to establish the right of students to inspect, review, amend and restrict access to their education records.

Scope and Applicability:

All academic records

Standard Practice Guideline:

Access to a student’s academic records is limited to School Officials who have a need to perform an administrative duty or function. Students have the right to challenge the accuracy of their academic record.


OU’s Administrative Policy and Procedure No. 470 (Release of Student Educational Records -, as it is amended from time to time, applies to School of Medicine student records except as follows:

  • School of Medicine students who wish to opt out of directory information should submit a completed request for Nondisclosure Form of Directory Information to the Office of the Director of Records and Registration. This form is also available from the Director of Records and Registration and may be submitted at any time during the academic year. The student may rescind the request at any time by submitting a new Request for Nondisclosure of Directory Information Form to the Office of the Director of Records and Registration;
  • A School of Medicine student may request inspection of his or her Education Record by submitting a written, dated request to the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration. Examples of School of Medicine Education Records include grades, scores, narrative evaluations that were collected as part of a course, registration, attendance, disciplinary actions that were handled internally by the School of Medicine, and admissions records. When an inspection request is received, the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will make the Education Record available to the student within forty-five (45) calendar days. Upon reasonable request, the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will provide an explanation and interpretation of the Education Record;
  • A School of Medicine student who believes that information in his or her Education Record is inaccurate, misleading or violates his or her privacy rights may request the Education Record be amended by submitting a written, dated and signed request to the School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration. The School of Medicine Director of Records and Registration will initiate an investigation and make a written recommendation to the Associate Dean for Medical Education within thirty (30) calendar days. The Associate Dean will make a decision and notify the student within fourteen (14) calendar days. If the Associate Dean for Medical Education does not agree with the request, the student will be offered the opportunity to have a hearing on the matter, which the Student may accept by submitting a written request to the Associate Dean for Medical Education within thirty (30) calendar days. The student will be given reasonable notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. The Associate Dean for Medical Education will designate an individual outside of his reporting line as the Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer will conduct the hearing. The student will have the opportunity to present relevant evidence and may be assisted or represented at the hearing by an individual(s) of the student’s choosing, at the student’s expense, including an attorney. The student will be notified of the hearing officer’s decision within a reasonable period after the hearing. The decision will be in writing, based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and include a summary of the evidence and basis for the decision. If the decision is in favor of the student, the Education Record will be amended. If the decision is not in favor of the student, the hearing officer will inform the student of his or her right to place a statement in the Education Record commenting on the contested information or stating why s/he disagrees with the hearing officer’s decision. The statement will be maintained in the Education Record for as long as the contested information is maintained and disclosed whenever the contested information is disclosed; and
  • There are certain OU student records that are maintained by OU offices outside of the School of Medicine. Examples of these records are OU transcripts and financial services (financial aid and student employment records). The Associate Dean for Student Affairs is available to assist Students in identifying the appropriate office(s) to which their request should be made.
  • Students wishing to challenge an academic record should refer to the School of Medicine Grade Appeal procedure. 


Related Policies and Forms:

Oakland University Policy and Procedure No. 470 (Release of Student Educational Records ) 
School of Medicine Grade Appeal Procedure
